He is the most interesting man in the world. Expert adventurer, bold mountain man, media extraordinaire… the list goes on…
There’s no project too big, or too small, for his incredible talent. His photography is renowned in some very small circles like Kevin’s family.
He is… Clark Rasmussen
Welcome to Stream and Steeple. My name is Clark Rasmussen, and this website is home to my Photography, Marketing Services and Adventure Blog. My experience in the media world is both varied and expansive, but all of the love and passion has been found in Photography and Design.
I mainly work with local and regional businesses providing marketing and photogrpahy services, but I also have partners across the country. If you’re looking for a hand, guidance or just help with some photos and design, then you’re in the right place.
When it’s your big day you want everything to go perfectly, and although there’s always something that comes up, I can help you make sure your photos aren’t on of those things. I’ve spent years organizing complex product shoots and have translated many of those skills into creating a fool-proof strategy for getting great wedding shoots. It’s all about organization and preparation.
I frequently offer (to friends, family and others) a stress-free environment for newly engaged couples to have fun and capture the new energy with great pictures for sharing with family and friends, as well as for other uses in RSVPs, print materials, etc…
These sessions are generally best served in natural light, outdoors during Golden Hour. I like to meet with couples and identify some local spaces or parks that they are particularly fond of, these are places where you will generally get good, warm results.
Creating a unique websites for people, small business, etc.. is something I find to be quite enjoyable. The tools that exist today for creating your own website are both impressive and various. There are a million different ways to do it, and the direction you should head generally depends on what you need your site to do. Most people will have everything they need from something like Squarespace or WordPress.
Because WordPress is a free and open source piece of software, it is almost always my very first suggestion. As a rule of thumb it is generally true that the more you want to do the more complex the process becomes. It’s my go to choice because you can go really deep with the mechanics or keep it simple and accessible.
I’m a Canon guy, have been for pretty much ever. I’ve owned several different models at various times, but I currently use a EOS 5D MKIV DSLR and an EOS R Mirrorless, both are Full-frame. Obviously I’ve also got a fair collection of lenses to match (see below). Nothing against Sony or Nikon or the others by the way, it’s really just a preference.
These cameras are reliable workhorses and I love them like they were insanely expensive, because they were. Kevin also makes pretty regular contributions to the photo blogs with his EOS M6 mrkII, a compact mirrorless that packs a punch. We aren’t really camera snobs or anything, but if you’re rocking some cool analog equipment I’ll probably want to pick your brain about it.
I’ve got a pretty solid collection of SLR and Mirrorless lenses I’ve been collecting over the years, I’m a particularly large fan of the old Contax C/Y mount Ziess builds, they’re magical. I also carry a good amount of your typical Canon flare as well. Sigma too.
Canon’s coveted L Series lenses on their professional line, distinguished by their superior quality, weather proofing, and a very noticeable Red Ring around the outside of the front element. These lenses are certainly of a superior quality but are also almost always plastic (not my favorite).
Sigma Art lenses, which I adore, are also quite incredible. The Silver A denotes an Art lens; heavy, distinguished, incredible image quality.
This website and its interconnected blogs are an intersection of my many hobbies and pursuits. The most obvious is probably the photography and story-telling, followed closely by the Adirondack Adventures and other shenanigans that the boys get up to. It’s mostly just nonsense and fun, although if you enjoy the Adirondacks you may find it quite interesting.
This website contains quiet a few gems in these departments though (not a brag, but a fact). You can find several gorgeous land and city-scapes, as well as dozens of pictures of Kevin, and even a few of his best images along the trails as well. If, by some miracle, you’re looking for some of our adventures, you’re either one of Kevin’s extended and robust family/friend group members, or you’ve stumbled upon us, perhaps looking for adventure?
Either way, look around and entertain yourself, there’s plenty to see. Below you’ll find a somewhat itemized breakdown of my equipment, stuff I do, etc…
Born and raised right here in Upstate New York, in these very suburbs of Rochester. A quiet life, easy dismiss as a youngster, but even easier to appreciate as a 30 something. As a young adult I left these stomping grounds, joined the Army and went on untold dozens of adventures.
Now as an older and wiser man, a graduate from Nazareth and a dork with an obsession with media, it’s only natural I dabble in digital marketing. This site, this photo-blog, is a manifestation of my many overlapping passions and interest.
Canon 5DmkIV
Sigma Art Lenses, 85mm and 35mm at f1.4
EF 17-40 f/4L
Contax RTS 35mm
C/Y 50 f/1.4
C/Y 185 f/2.8
C/Y 23-70 f/3.4
Canon EOS R6 markII
RF 70-200 f4
RF 50 f1.8
DJI Ronin SC2